Go to smithcommajohn for stuff after 2010
- Level:
- 9
- Exp Points:
- 840 / 900
- Exp Rank:
- Vote Power:
- 5.14 votes
- Audio Scouts
- 10+
- Rank:
- Portal Security
- Global Rank:
- Blams:
- 227
- Saves:
- 189
- B/P Bonus:
- 8%
- Trophies:
- 2
- Medals:
- 214
- Gear:
- 10
Damn man, that shit sucks. Also, it's the reason why I refuse to buy this gens consoles and such. They all break so damn easily. Honestly, you could drop kick a used a game cube like a soccer ball and it would still work like new. Not encouraging it, but I can almost bet you it's true ;)
Also, flexibility doesn't really matter in the sack unless you're talking about your cock. Sure cheer leading is probably a great way to meet chicks, but then again, meeting chicks is generally a great way to meet chicks. Also, they might love you as a friend, but I'd be really careful man. The shit might backfire and they might end up thinking you're gay. I'd tell you to hit on one just to prove your masculinity, but that would probably just get you kicked out of that class.
Also, have no shame in cheer leading if it's what makes you genuinely happy. The only thing gay about cheer leading is the smile on your face. Also, learn how to do flips. No one will make fun of you if you learn how to do them. They'll always just tell you to do them. Trust me. I learned how to do front flips, and everyone always told me to do back flips for their amusement. I never even learned how to do back flips, but everyone just assumed I did cause they saw me upside down so often.
Flips= cool points regardless of pep.