Progression of Beatles' appearance?
I like your pixel artworks, but until I see the completed series, I'm on the fence on how much I truly enjoy this one. The first was awesome, but this one seems... meh.
Progression of Beatles' appearance?
I like your pixel artworks, but until I see the completed series, I'm on the fence on how much I truly enjoy this one. The first was awesome, but this one seems... meh.
I will never fully understand what I just saw today.
Look at that black background! There could be ANYTHING back there!!
Oh yeah.
I see the Rubber Johnny in this. There's something odd about the face's perspective... can't quite put my finger on what it is...
Past that small irking detail, it looks realistic. Great work, man!
impressive, but lacking
in response to BC: not a fan, really.
The artwork is a nice try at what would have been a made a truly beautiful piece of art. The 'confetti' closing in on the front of the image lacks a winding perspective like the immediate flow has from her paw; it just sorta looks... flat. And the husky looks emotionless and a little bit 'fox-like'. The anatomy is spot-on, however, so that's good.
Now don't take my seemingly harsh words negatively... all these words can help to go towards a magnificent piece of work. My last bit of advice: use a pencil to draw out the doo-dads before inking them. I did that a lot with my old drawings like it. It helps a hella lot.
the more art i see of yours
the more intrigued i am.
Well played...
I'm liking the gently exaggerated anatomical elements, as well as the skimpiness. Usually, I'm not a fan of feline furs, but this one made the cut.
One problem: I hate that bottom lip. Reason being is that there's those scaly drawings that freak me out. I'll get passed this, haha.
Rule 34: If it exists, it gives me a woody.
All those years off the air, she's really matured. I like how you kept her playful look and left the sweater long-sleeved (so her hands are still sheathed), and the waist short (so it just barely covers her rear).
Although, I don't really like how you just copied an image of her room from the show, without giving your own little twist. Even though that was the only real giveaway of her identity...
not much to go on
past the impeccable face, there's not very much left. Sure, it's detailed, but what does detail leave you if it doesn't show what it is better? I mean, really. I'm not all too sure what the amorphous grey blob behind it is supposed to be.
10 for effort, 6 for clarity. I'm being generous here.
Go to smithcommajohn for stuff after 2010
Age 32, Male
Joined on 8/27/04