- Click the branch on the tree to make it fall.
- click the branch again after it fell on the water, the 'visitor' will sqwirm to the end of it.
- when the 'visitor' stops, click the frog, he'll eat it and explode.
- click the hole in the tree to make the bird fly to it.
- click the mossy branch, then the log, then the fishing hook.
- bounce the boulder on the water, a fish shadow will appear.
- click the 'visitor' so it will jump to the fishing rod.
- click 4-5 times to launch the 'visitor'.
Outside house:
- click the doorknob, the cat will swat you.
- click the apple to make it eat it, spitting on the grass, distracting it.
- click the doorknob again. he'll attempt to open the door, but fail.
- there's a hole on the side, click it. the cat will hiss at you.
- click it again, the cat will attack.
- click the shadow of the tree to distract the cat.
Pipe room:
- click blue
- click yellow
Outside house:
- Click the cat's 'bum' and enter it. it'll burst.
- click the doorknob to enter the house.
- open top of blender
- click orange
- run blender
(then quickly in this order)
- open the lid
- turn on faucet
- open top drawer
- click knife, the woman will slip and stab her head.
- click the thermostat until the air conditioner plate falls off
- click the 'visitor' to get it to get on the counter
- click the lightbulb, it'll swing to the top of the fridge.
- enter the air duct
- click air conditioner filter, allowing it to drop.
- then, click the fish tank, he'll try to eat you.
- click the creature and it'll jump out.
- click the bird, trying to eat it.
- hide under the laundry.
- click the bird, eatting it.
- click the pile of clothes to reveal the new you.
- click the person on the top bunk to eat him.
- hide under the bottom bunk
- click the scared room mate.
(now there are three ways to do this)
1st: kill human:
- click cupboard, eat human head.
2nd: Kill both:
- click the door to close
- click the toilet paper, then toilet.
- flush the toilet
- turn on the sink closest to you.
- open door, the creature will enter and slip into the sink
- open cupboard
- get hairdryer
- plug into outlet
- stick into sink, the creature will die, but not before killing you.
3rd: kill 'Visitor'
- Close door
- Click close sink
- click toilet paper, then toilet
- flush toilet
- open cupboard
- pick up hair dryer
- plug the hair dryer in
- turn on water faucet in other sink
- place the hair dryer in that sink, opening the other door
- pick up the gun
- click it 5-6 times to kill the 'visitor'
I hope this helps anyone and everyone.