I'm not here anymore, please go to https://smithcommajohn.newgrounds.com/ to keep up to date with absolutely nothing because that account is just as neglected as this one is
also follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/_SmithCommaJohn
Go to smithcommajohn for stuff after 2010
Age 32, Male
Joined on 8/27/04
Posted by Spikrodd - December 25th, 2018
I'm not here anymore, please go to https://smithcommajohn.newgrounds.com/ to keep up to date with absolutely nothing because that account is just as neglected as this one is
also follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/_SmithCommaJohn
Posted by Spikrodd - April 7th, 2011
I've been practicing better compositional skills lately through Smith Comma John and after a few nights of listening to some classical composers from modern to old school, for the lack of a better term; a full day rewriting a song by ear and then more listening, I got the guts to be like "hey, I can do that I bet I think."
For the most part, I was wrong. Dead wrong.
But when it came to piano, I did wonders. Rarely am I super proud of my own music to the point of listening to it non-stop, but Cloudy Day is just too good. What's. Better is that there's two versions in two keys, one in G major for a happier tone and one in C minor for a darker feel.
You can find both versions of Cloudy Day here: G major | C minor
[EDIT]: Because you people are more interested in poopers instead of pianos, here's a slut. SINGULAR slut. It's a recession, people!
Posted by Spikrodd - January 15th, 2011
For the dozen or so people who wondered where I gone... I'm still here, inactive as ever.
I've been having some trouble breaking away from S,J to make another stupidly insane breakcore or glitch track for the life of me; it's all been downtempo, halfstep and chords. I don't want to abandon this account in favor of a more accessible area by any means, and I promise you that I will return with another great song by the end of the month.
I might start doing triphop and other ludicrous slow styles that aren't dubstep... I've touched up on a lot of styles in my hiatus on here, so it can go anywhere at this point :D
Posted by Spikrodd - December 20th, 2010
In honor of Tron: Legacy's release, I made this remix of the most popuolar song of the film score, Daft Punk's Derezzed.
Posted by Spikrodd - December 2nd, 2010
So I recently stumbled upon a website that hosts remix competitions and I've entered into two Metric competitions. The official voting for the cash prize is decided by the members of the band, but the public voting decides if I get 2 months free platinum membership (which opens the doors to many contests in the future). The songs are listed below:
Gimme Sympathy: http://www.indabamusic.com/#!/submissi ons/show/36615
Gold Guns Girls: http://www.indabamusic.com/#!/submissi ons/show/35717
don't click links, copy-paste it.
There were 10 songs altogether available to remix, but I decided to go with these two in the end... due to time restraints. No biggie, at least I got some in there. Tell your friends, I need all the help I can get!
Posted by Spikrodd - November 13th, 2010
Dumbstep is a sup-genre of dubstep/filthstep/brostep I created in early 2010 that was originally designed to parodize the calamity and insanity of some filthstep tracks released recently. The idea in it is to press the boundaries of danceable music with odd time signatures, basslines and drum patterns. Sometimes, the danceable aspect is tossed out the window for a more insane, nearly unlistenable music that still keeps a half-step pattern and twisted basslines. Most dumbstep songs have, as the name would imply, dubstep influences with glitchy and industrial touches tossed in the mix for a 'funner feud of sounds'.
tl;dr, this is breakcore for dubsteppers.
Smith Comma John (AKA Spikrodd) - Founder and main mover of dumbstep. Usually works in 7/4 or 5/4 and in a happier, more moveable style.
Reanu Keeves (AKA SineRider - Purveyor of obnoxious basslines and "this shouldn't work how did he" rhythms in 9/8 and 11/8 and other really silly number combos of the like.
Laqur (AKA Quarl) - The darkest producer of the group thus far. His first song was in 1/8 (we still don't know what that means).
Posted by Spikrodd - October 10th, 2010
Yeah, everyone and their grandmother has a 'Like' page... why can't I?
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Spikrodd /344697115201
Like this and see what new things I submit first before everyone else!
Posted by Spikrodd - October 10th, 2010
Yeah, everyone and their grandmother has a 'Like' page... why can't I?
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Spikrodd /344697115201
Like this and see what new things I submit first before everyone else!
Posted by Spikrodd - August 22nd, 2010
I've decided from now on to keep my name clean of dubstep. don't worry, though; the tracks that are uploaded already will stay here. There'll just no longer be new dubstep here.
Instead, all new dubstep will be found at my alternate page: Smith Comma John
At this moment, there's nothing to show, since I just now submitted a song for approval. I can guarantee that it's a bass-rattling hit, though!